Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2012
6. SENSE OF LIFE . . . ?
Two article to this question:

a) Official competent coment by a Religion- Encyclopedia

b) The personal answer of the philosophic interestet blogger

to a) Translation of wording (more ore less) of the RELIGIONS-LEXIKON; G.BUBOLZ,CORNELSEN-VERLAG, 1990,Ger. :

(Sinnsuche) IN SEARCH FOR SENSE : Generally it is not possible to find an answer to the meaning of life. That´s why it makes no sense to expect an answer to this question. With the QUESTION TO THE MEANING OF LIFE is no question asked, which is driving for the expansion of knowledge, but it is the question of human being to himself for the reason and support to his life. Often the question to the SENSE OF LIFE is coming up in special situations: an accident, an illness, dead of a beloved person. For Siegmund Freud this question is more to see as a sign for mental disease: " Who asks for sense of life is ill.(Here it is going to get "lickered". Freud was still a neurologist and no philosopher. Comment of the blogger) The sense of life does not exist. I am making the sense of life. " What here is true is that with activity sense can be created. But makes finally constructiv doing life sensefull? Is finally life only justified with own achievement? For the christian and jewish faith there is a sense before every active creativity. So constructive doing is given with the faith in Gods care to the human. From there turned out the motivation, to support constructive life individuall and sozial active.


If I should personally answer to the question for the meaning of life, as a religious human being I can do this only with including the statemants of the Holy Bibel. As a christ I am , in according to the wording of the Old Testament an by God created human being. That's why I am firstival not subject, who is defining his own sense, but created object, which gets his meaning by his creator, the artist, by God. The painting is not giving his sense by itself, but the artist define and justify it, evan when he says, that the creation was only as an end in itself. If according to this not we making the sense, but God, so what is the SENSE that we got by God ? How we can discover it? Is it written anywhere in the Holy Bibel? If an artist is drawing a picture ore creating an object, he has in a way expectations in its effect, that should be caused at the artist ore at another observer. We can assum, that it is the same in the relationship between God and what he has created. According to this God also has expectations in his created objects - in us. These expectations, which make the SENSE OF OURE EXISTENCE, find their most succinet expression in the Ten Commandments - the DECALOGUE. ( BIBEL, OT; EXODUS 20,1-17 and DEUTERONOMIUM 5,6-21 and NT, MATTHEW 19,17-19 ). That's why continues the artist has not to feed the expectations of the artwork, but firstival the otherwayround the artwork to satisfy the artist. Therefore we human firstival are in debt to God to satisfy his expectations in us, which are written in the Ten Commandments. From this follows in according to my personal point of view oure primarily SENSE OF LIFE and it is possible to deduce all deeper.
Everybody can establish, if he's thinking about his own life, that these by God in two Sumerian clay-tiles scrached and to Mose given commandments are easyer listed than practised. This problem is running visually like a central theme through the whole Old Testament and may continued in the year 2012 by us too fast by using a kind of smiling arrogance with the words: " I know - but it concerns not me ! " Evan the next story of a televisionfilm has his sore point somewhere between point One and point Ten of the content of the by "Indiana Jones" sought after the Ark of the Covenant . . .


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